Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Life, Blessings, and Marriage...

    For those of you who don't know, this November David and I will be celebrating our 11Th wedding anniversary. The road to this point in our lives hasn't been an easy one. We have had some major differences in our parenting styles, Huge hurdles to jump, and some pretty gnarly fights. But through it all, I can honestly say that He is the only one who has stood by me through thick and thin; through the separations, through my bouts of severe depression, the family feuds (and there have been some doozies) Through my sickness, and most importantly when I felt unloved, and unlovable he was my rock, the one who no matter what always made sure I knew he loved me unconditionally! Thank you God, for sending me  this Wonderful wonderful Man! <3

   My children mean everything to me, They are the reason I was put on this earth. The reason my heart has always been so enormously full of love! I'm not a perfect mother by any means, I have inherited the "Yelling" gene, and I expect more out of my kids then a lot of mothers, but I know with out a doubt they know I love them, Im here for them, and nothing will ever make me not love them! They have all inherited my quirkiness, my need to give, (my "yelling" gene lol) and my huge overstuffed heart! They are my greatest accomplishments! I couldn't be more proud of the beautiful persons they are becoming!

I recently read a quote that has changed my view on life!
"You never know what you have, until you meet someone who has less than you"!
How true that statement is! I know I complain so much about not having this, and wanting that, and all to often I forget that I have so much more than I deserve! I have been blessed with a husband who goes out of his way, laying in the cold wet snow, withstanding the elements and -30 degree tempratures to provide a good life for his family. He never misses a day! I have a new SUV, and a warm home full of beautiful things, and I have 3 beautiful children! I have a college education, I have been given so much!  It makes all the bad things in my life seem so insignificant!

Thank You Baby for putting up with me, for loving me, for giving me all you have and more. Thank you for 12 years of standing by my side, for promoting me (and my cooking ;D ) for taking care of me while Ive been so ill! I owe you my life (but my love will have to do! ;D ) You have become my night in shining armor!